Change Gigabit Port to 100 Mbps for ELITE Reseller Plan

中文注释 如何提升网络端口至100Mbps(精英经销商项目)   Choose the server that has Gigabit Port in your service list.             一、首先在服务器目录选择有网络端口的服务器       2. Click on “Arrow button” <imgsrc=”/export-space/attachments/818839567/819101724/arrow.png” ri:version-at-save=”1″ /> it will show ” Upgrade to 100Mbps unmetered “        二、点击‘箭头按钮’         3. The system will show notification box for a confirmation …

Apply for reseller 申请经销商

If you are already our customer you can request to be a reseller by click Apply Now link.  在我的账号点击“现在申请”  Read, check and accept to the terms & conditions and click Apply Now button 读、查看和接受条款和条件然后再点击“现在申请”  You can check you request by click on the link Check Status 点击“确认申请状态”可查看您目前的状态  

Reseller Rewards 经销商奖励

You currently points  您的点数  This is your active point that you have and you can use to redeem the rewards 您可兑换的点数 Points Details 点数详细  You can see all the detail about your point here. Total use point, Total Points, Pending Points, Points expiring in each year 您可在这里看到您的点数详细如已使用点数、总点数、等待入账点数等。  Redeem History 兑换历史记录  You can see your redeeming history …

Elite Reseller Plan

Click link “Subscribe Now” on reseller dashboard 一、在经销商的账户点击“订阅”  Choose payment for this service then Accept terms and conditions and click “Submit”二、选择付款方式然后打勾“我已阅读条款和条件”而点击“提交”  Enter password三、填写 的密码然后点击“确认”    4. Pay invoice for this service by your payment type that you choose         四、支付帐单 

Upgrade Reseller 申请升级经销商

You can upgrade reseller status to get more discount by click Upgrade link 点击“升级“    Choose reseller status that you would like to be and click Upgrade Now button  选择级别然后点击“现在升级”   Our Sale team will contact you to process this and you can check status for upgrade by click Checking status upgrade link 我们的销售部门将联系您。您可点击 “确认升级状态”查看您的升级状态